Initial Research Pathway: Description of Apple Vision Pro

  • The team have decided to research on Apple Vision Pro 
  • Nicholas has decided to use genAI (ChatGPT) to research on key features and functions. Our prompt was "Features and functions of the Apple Vision Pro.” 
  • The team conducted further research into Apple Vision Pro through Google search engine.
  • The team read up on peer-reviewed articles using Google Scholar, OneSearch to look out for different devices available and different uses.
  • The team obtained key specifications and product on the official Apple website
  • The team researched on its advantages and disadvantages about Apple Vision Pro 
  • The team decided to look for reviews using Youtube, Reddit, Forbes, Techradar and IGN to get information on the user’s experience 
  • The team then compiled their findings and wrote the summary.

[Current as of 18/09/2024]


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